Keeping your car secure is a priority for all vehicle owners in Leicester. Unfortunately, vehicle-related thefts and break-ins do occur across the city. Valuables are often stolen from cars, and sometimes the vehicles themselves are taken by opportunistic thieves if they’re left unattended and unsecured. You must take proactive measures and follow critical security best practices to protect your vehicle from crime when parked on streets or in car parks around Leicester. Installing deterrents like steering locks and wheel clamps, activating alarms and immobilizers, concealing valuables, and choosing visible parking spots can all help minimize risks.

car security tips for vehicle owners in Leicester

top 10 tips car security tips for vehicle owners in Leicester

1. Use a steering wheel lock

A steering wheel lock is a visible deterrent that makes it extremely difficult for a thief to steer and move your vehicle. Invest in a solid steel lock that securely grips the wheel and prevents it from turning more than a few degrees. This immobilizes the car from being driven away.

2. Install a car alarm

A good car alarm should detect unwanted entry or movement, such as doors opening, glass breaking, or tilting from attempted towing. It will trigger loud sirens, flashing lights and automatically disable the starter motor. Choose a sensitive alarm that emits high-decibel alerts to attract attention and scare off thieves.

3. Etch VIN onto windows

Etching your vehicle’s unique VIN (vehicle identification number) onto all windows makes it easier to identify and recover if stolen. Professional etching with special pens or stencils creates permanent markings that are difficult to remove. The VIN connects the car to you as its registered owner.

4. Use wheel clamps

Wheel clamps, or parking boots, are locked metal clamps covering a whole wheel. Quality clamps require a unique key for removal. Once installed over a tire, the wheel cannot turn, and the vehicle becomes immobilized. Wheel clamps are a popular deterrent in public and private car parks.

5. Disable keyless entry

Keyless entry systems can be vulnerable to ‘relay’ attacks that intercept the signal between the fob and the car. Disable keyless functions when parked, keep fobs in signal-blocking pouches and consider fitting Faraday shielding. Use steering locks and clamps in addition to deter electronic exploits.

6. Invest in GPS tracking.

Installing a hidden GPS tracking device allows your car to be tracked if moved or stolen. Trackers relay the location so you can direct police to recover the vehicle. Some also have added security benefits like dash cams, text alerts if disturbed and engine immobilizers.

7. Use anti-theft marking

Anti-theft marking fluid, stickers and pens create permanent visible markings on car parts. They show that security measures are in place and make it harder for thieves to sell marked items. Interior markings also link the car to you if recovered after a theft.

8. Choose visible parking spots

Parking in well-lit, busy areas and close to your destination makes your car less vulnerable to thieves, especially at night. Happening spots have constant pedestrian traffic to deter break-ins. Avoid side streets, deserted car parks, or anywhere isolated.

9. Keep interiors clear

Don’t leave any bags, coats, clutter, or valuables visible inside your parked car. Thieves often target items left in sight. Clear out the interior and leave the glovebox open to show nothing is hidden inside.

10. Check for tampering signs

Closely inspect your car for any signs of tampering before driving off. Look for pry marks at the doors, windows, and locks. Check for scratches, damage, or broken glass. Report any suspicious evidence to the police.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most important car security tip for Leicester?

Never leaving any valuables visible inside your unattended vehicle, and locking it fully.

What are wheel clamps and how do they improve security?

Wheel clamps are locked metal bars fixed over a wheel to prevent rotation. This immobilises the vehicle as it cannot be driven away.

Should I get extra locks fitted to my car?

Upgrading to deadlocks, pedal and steering wheel locks can greatly improve security and deter opportunistic thieves.

How does anti-theft marking fluid help protect my car?

It shows that the car has security measures in place. The markings make it harder to sell on stolen parts.

What are the benefits of car tracking devices?

Tracking systems allow stolen vehicles to be located. Some have added security benefits like dash cams and alerts.

Where is the safest place to park my car in Leicester?

Busy well-lit locations like supermarket car parks. Avoid side streets and isolated car parks.

How can I find a professional auto locksmith in Leicester for extra security?

Search for fully certified locksmiths in Leicester and read reviews. Many offer mobile services like try


Keeping your car secure should be a top priority for all vehicle owners in Leicester. Vehicle crime can unfortunately happen anywhere in the city if proper precautions aren’t taken. By implementing multiple layers of security, staying vigilant, and following the essential car safety tips outlined above, you can help minimise risks and protect your vehicle from theft or damage. Take action by fitting deterrents like clamps and locks, using CCTV and tracking if available, and ensuring your car is never left unattended with valuables inside. The time invested in boosting security can pay off by preventing the hassle, violation and expense incurred by car crime. Remember to lock up, conceal possessions, park carefully and remain alert whenever leaving your vehicle around Leicester. Putting these simple crime prevention habits into practice can go a long way in keeping your car safe. For additional advice on securing your vehicle, don’t hesitate to contact the specialists at Car Key Leicester who are always happy to help local drivers protect their automotive assets.

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